Chester Township

1 Parker Road, Chester, New Jersey 07930
Phone: 908-879-5100

Residents asked to Remove Hazardous Dead Ash Trees

PXL_20221105_122324161-1 Ash borer damage to ash tree

Chester residents - please walk the edge of your property and check for dead ash trees. Dead trees that pose a danger to falling on roads and power lines, or to yours or your neighbor's property, need to be taken down as soon as possible.

The Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) has led to the loss of the ash trees which comprise 30-40% of Chester's tree canopy.  Town ordinances require homeowners to remove trees that present a danger to public safety, to the work of first responders, and to continued operation or our utility infrastructure. This is particularly important for dead ash trees along our roadways.

If you aren't sure what an ash tree that has been affected by the EAB looks like, see below. You can also see photos and read information at this link.

Click here to view photos of the damage that dead ash trees can inflict.

Consult with your friends and neighbors for recommendations of a reliable licensed tree removal company. Thank you for helping to keep our infrastructure and our roadways operating safely and without interruption!

If you have further questions, you may contact the Chester Township Zoning Office at 908-879-5100 x823 (Dorrie Fox) or 908-879-5100 x826 (Debbie Devery).

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MacGregor Park Wildlife Habitat Created
Update to Smoke, CO & Fire Extinguisher Inspection...

Chester Township

1 Parker Road
Chester, NJ 07930

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Tel: (908) 879-5100
Fax: (908) 879-8281
Main Office Open 9:00-4:30 M-F
See Staff Directory for individual office hours.

Police Contact

In case of emergency, dial 911.

For non-emergencies, dial 908-879-5514.

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