Our Main Number is 908-879-5100
Unless noted, all offices are full time, Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm
Administrator / Clerk
Contact: Robin Collins
Phone: (908) 879-5100 x810
Email: rcollins@chestertownship.org
Assistant to Administrator/Board of Health
Contact: Judy Irwin
Phone: (908) 879-5100 x812
Email: jirwin@chestertownship.org
Assistant to Tax Assessor
Hours: 9:00-4:00 T-Th
Contact: Nancy Bailey
Phone: (908) 879-5100 ext. 820
Email: nbailey@chestertownship.org
Assistant to Tax Collector / CFO
Contact: John Ciafullo
Home Phone: 908-879-5100 x818
Email: jciafullo@chestertownship.org
Building Inspector
Contact: Robert Pigott
Phone: (908) 879-5100 x830
Email: rpigott@chestertownship.org
Building Subcode Official / Acting Construction Official
Contact: Frank Baguiao
Phone: (908) 879-5100 x822
Email: fbaguiao@chestertownship.org
Construction Technical Assistant
Contact: Jacquelyn De Santo
Phone: (908) 879-5100 x821
Email: jdesanto@chestertownship.org
Court Administrator
Contact: Ingrid O’Connor
Phone: (908) 879-5100 x816
Email: ioconnor@chestertownship.org
Department of Public Works, Roads
Contact: Craig Reiner
Phone: (908) 879-5916
Email: creiner@chestertownship.org
Deputy Clerk / Registrar
Contact: Kathy Potter
Phone: (908) 879-5100 x828
Email: kpotter@chestertownship.org
Deputy Court Administrator
Contact: Danielle Siek
Phone: (908) 879-5100 x815
Email: dsiek@chestertownship.org
Dog Licensing
Contact: Judy Irwin
Phone: (908) 879-5100 x812
Email: jirwin@chestertownship.org
Electrical Subcode / Inspector
Contact: Richard Roman
Phone: (908) 879-5100 x831
Email: rroman@chestertownship.org
Environmental Commission Secretary
Contact: Kathy Potter
Email: kpotter@chestertownship.org
Finance Office
Contact: Derek J. Macchia
Phone: (908) 879-5100 x817
Email: dmacchia@chestertownship.org
Fire Subcode / Inspector
Contact: Andrew Buterbaugh
Phone: (908) 879-5100 x829
Email: abuterbaugh@chestertownship.org
Parks Secretary / Asst. to DPW Superintendent
Hours: 7:30 – 3:30
Contact: Mary Nowicki
Phone: (908) 879-5916
Email: mnowicki@chestertownship.org
Planning Board / Board of Adjustment Secretary
Contact: Debbie Devery
Phone: (908) 879-5100 x826
Email: ddevery@chestertownship.org
Recreation Director
Contact: Ted Ernst
Phone: (908) 879-5100 x876
Email: recreation@chestertownship.org
Tax Assessor (Assessment Information)
Contact: Anna McDougal
Phone: (908) 879-5100 ext. 820
Email: amcdougal@chestertownship.org
Tax Collector (tax payments)
Contact: Derek Macchia
Phone: (908) 879-5100 x817
Email: dmacchia@chestertownship.org
Trash / Recycling Coordinator
Contact: Craig Reiner
Home Phone: 908-879-5916
Email: creiner@chestertownship.org
Zoning Official
Contact: Renée Apuzzo
Phone: (908) 879-5100 x823
Email: rapuzzo@chestertownship.org
Miscellaneous Numbers
Chester Pool Registration
Phone: (908) 879-3660 x2115
Emergency Management
Phone: (908) 879-5514
Phone: (908) 879-7612
Low Income Housing
Morris County
Phone: (973) 285-6060
Police Department (Non emergency)
Contact: Chief Ryan T. McNamee
Phone: (908) 879-5514
Phone: (908) 879-5100 x851