Chester Township

1 Parker Road, Chester, New Jersey 07930
Phone: 908-879-5100

Annual Dog Licensing

Chester Township does not require the licensing of cats.

Dog Licenses

The licensing of all dogs over the age of six months in the Township are required by state law and Township ordinance. You must license your animal in the town that you live in.

Licenses must be renewed each year by January 31st.

Proof of rabies vaccination is required to license your dog. The Rabies vaccination certificate must be valid through November 1st of the licensing year.

If the certificate is not valid through November 1st of the licensing year, the animal must be vaccinated prior to licensing.

Licenses may be obtained at the Clerk’s Office in the Municipal Building.

Annual Licensing Fees if paid by January 31st

Neutered/ spayed Dog $11.00 per dog

Non-neutered/ non-spayed Dog $14.00 per dog

LATE FEES are assessed beginning March 1st
$2.00 per month per dog from March through December.

Licensing Information

As a courtesy, owners of licensed dogs will receive a reminder card in the mail in January. Check local newspapers and the Morris County website for free rabies clinics for both dogs and cats.

Chester Township holds a yearly rabies clinic usually in November at the Department of Public Works Garage, 65 Furnace Road, Chester. Please check the Township Calendar for details as the clinic date draws near.

License Application Forms

The license application can be found below. Please complete the application for EACH new animal you license. Mail or bring this application along with the current rabies information to the office. If you choose to mail in your application, please include a self-addressed stamped envelope to expedite the application.

Animal Control Services

Animal control services for Chester Township are provided by Animal Control Solutions. They can be reached at 908 722-1271.

Chester Township

1 Parker Road
Chester, NJ 07930

Sign up for our


Tel: (908) 879-5100
Fax: (908) 879-8281
Main Office Open 9:00-4:30 M-F
See Staff Directory for individual office hours.

Police Contact

In case of emergency, dial 911.

For non-emergencies, dial 908-879-5514.

Social Media