Chester Township

1 Parker Road, Chester, New Jersey 07930
Phone: 908-879-5100

Glenlora RFP Available Online

The Request for Proposals (RFP) to develop the Glenlora site is now available on the Chester Township website. We welcome all interested parties to review the RFP, as more proposals give Chester Township more options for the site.

As many residents will recall, Chester Township purchased the Glenlora site on Route 24 in 2005 as a suitable location for affordable housing, which is mandated by the State of New Jersey.

The RFP reflects the criteria that were discussed at Council meetings with public input, most notably:

1.    Preserving the historic stone structure

2.    Preference for a special needs community

3.    100% affordable (not mixed-use)

4.    Working within a building envelope as detailed on an enclosed map

5.    The site is designated an "area in need of redevelopment" to provide flexibility when creating the redevelopment agreement

The release of the RFP comes nearly five years after Chester Township ended its affordable housing litigation, thus taking the decision-making for our affordable housing obligation out of the courtroom where negotiations were private to the Town Council where the public may share input. Notably, this change in venue brought with it a significant reduction in legal expenses.

Now that the RFP is available online, a new process starts, which will last many months and eventually include the Planning Board creating the redevelopment agreement. As always, Planning Board and Council meetings welcome public comment.

Click here to view the RFP.

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Announcing Bill Foelsch Field

Chester Township

1 Parker Road
Chester, NJ 07930

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Tel: (908) 879-5100
Fax: (908) 879-8281
Main Office Open 9:00-4:30 M-F
See Staff Directory for individual office hours.

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