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Chester Township
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Join 'Alert Chester' for Updates

Join 'Alert Chester' for Updates
Announcing the official release of 'Alert Chester'
Alert Chester is a notification system that will...
Alert Chester is a notification system that will...
Leash Your Dog

Leash Your Dog
PLEASE LEASH YOUR DOG! Chester Township would like to remind dog owners that dogs must remain leashe...
JCPL Grid Upgrades Coming Soon

JCPL Grid Upgrades Coming Soon
JCPL is going to begin a major upgrade to the Pleasant Hill Substation and related infrastructure th...
Future of the Glenlora Site

Future of the Glenlora Site
On October 1, 2024 at 7:00 p.m., the Mayor and Council, with members the Planning Board in attendanc...
New Tree Removal Ordinance

New Tree Removal Ordinance
NJ’s new tree removal and replacement law
The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJ...
The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJ...
Chester Receives FEMA Grant

Chester Receives FEMA Grant
Chester Township is proud to announce that it is the recipient of a 2024 US Department of Homeland S...
Hunterdon Area Energy Cooperative (HAEC) Program Announcement

Hunterdon Area Energy Cooperative (HAEC) Program Announcement
The Hunterdon Area Energy Cooperative’s energy aggregation program will be restarting in September 2...
NJ's new lead-based paint law

NJ's new lead-based paint law
New Jersey’s newest lead-based paint law, “New Jersey’s Lead-Safe Certification,” requires that all ...
Information on Bird Flu

Information on Bird Flu
Information for New Jersey Farm Owners on H5N1 Bird Flu
The New Jersey Departments of Health and Ag...
The New Jersey Departments of Health and Ag...
Community Health Needs Assessment

Community Health Needs Assessment
Chester Township Health Department, in collaboration with The Morris Regional Public Health Partners...
National Suicide Prevention Crisis Hotline

National Suicide Prevention Crisis Hotline
National Suicide Prevention: Crisis Hotline - Dial 988
People can call or...
People can call or...
Announcing Bill Foelsch Field

Announcing Bill Foelsch Field
At its annual inspection of the parks system on May 8th, the Chester Township Parks Committee proudl...
Black River Fields Grand Opening

Black River Fields Grand Opening
After several years of diligent efforts to grade, level, and improve the turf quality, we are please...
How to Pay Your Garbage Utility Bill Online

How to Pay Your Garbage Utility Bill Online
Residents have received a bill in the mail that lists payments due to Chester Township for trash col...
Honoring Volunteers on Boards, Committees, Commissions

Honoring Volunteers on Boards, Committees, Commissions
At its meeting last night, the Mayor and Council recognized Township residents who have recently rot...