Chester Township

1 Parker Road, Chester, New Jersey 07930
Phone: 908-879-5100

Future of the Glenlora Site


On October 1, 2024 at 7:00 p.m., the Mayor and Council, with members the Planning Board in attendance, will hold a meeting regarding the future of the Glenlora site.

By way of background, the Township purchased the Glenlora site in 2005 and planned to lease it to United Cerebral Palsy of Morris/Somerset, Inc. (UCP) for the purposes of providing an integrated service center for individuals with disabilities and their families. UCP subsequently informed the Township in 2008 that it would not be able to honor its commitment due to its inability to secure funding.

Nevertheless, the Township remains committed to developing the Glenlora site as a 100% affordable community. On October 17, 2023, the Township released a Request for Proposal (RFP) for the Glenlora site which sought qualifications from affordable housing developers. The RFP noted that the Township had a preference for affordable housing units that serve identified special needs adult populations in the state. No responses were received from that initial RFP. Subsequently, the Township met with potential partners to receive feedback. Based upon that feedback, the Township re-released the RFP on April 1, 2024. To ensure that all interested developers had enough time to respond, two extensions were granted.  Responses were received from three different organizations: ArcMorris, Bluestone Development, and Rose House.

At the October 1, 2024 joint meeting, these respondents will have the opportunity to provide presentations of their proposals. The purpose of these presentations is two-fold: to assist in the Township’s evaluations of their proposals, and to continue to foster community input throughout this important process. The Mayor and Council, Planning Board, and the public will have the opportunity to ask questions. Thus, we encourage you to come learn about these organizations and ask questions regarding their mission statements, their intended populations to be served, and their proposals. Site specific questions regarding engineering, architectural, and environmental details should be saved for future meetings.

View the proposals here.

JCPL Grid Upgrades Coming Soon
New Tree Removal Ordinance

Chester Township

1 Parker Road
Chester, NJ 07930

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Tel: (908) 879-5100
Fax: (908) 879-8281
Main Office Open 9:00-4:30 M-F
See Staff Directory for individual office hours.

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In case of emergency, dial 911.

For non-emergencies, dial 908-879-5514.

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